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  • What is therapy like?
    Because each person has different issues and goals for therapy, therapy will be different depending on the individual. The therapist also can have different theories and techniques that can provide specific outcomes and areas of focus.
  • How can I schedule an appointment with Neighbors Counseling?
    At Neighbors Counseling, we do not allow walk-in appointments to create a predictable and calm environment for our clients. To schedule a consultation, please visit our contact us page on our website. By filling out the form, you can provide us with some initial information so we can start the journey in an organized and timely manner. We strive to provide a personalized and thoughtful approach to each client's needs, and scheduling appointments in advance allows us to better prepare for each individual's unique situation. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
  • What can I expect during a therapy session at Neighbors Counseling
    At Neighbors Counseling, each therapy session is tailored to your unique needs. Our therapists are independent contractors of our group practice, meaning they work with you to create a personalized treatment plan. They have their own unique approaches to providing trauma, mood, and relational care, ensuring that you receive the most effective and personalized therapy experience. Whether you are seeking help for trauma, mood management, or relationship issues, our therapists are committed to providing compassionate and professional care to help you work through your challenges and achieve your goals.
  • How do I find the right therapist for my needs at neighborscounseling
    At neighborscounseling, you can filter our providers by the therapy service you are seeking on our website to have an idea of who may be available for you. Visit page, you can view profiles of our experienced therapists and filter them based on the specific therapy service you are looking for. This allows you to find a therapist whose expertise aligns with your needs and preferences. In addition, you can fill out the form on our contact us page to schedule your initial consultation. During your free 15-minute consultation, we'll get to know you, discuss your needs and goals, and answer any questions you may have. This initial consultation will help you feel comfortable and confident with your decision and provide an opportunity to determine if our therapists are a good fit for you. We believe in finding the right match for our clients and ensuring that you have the best possible experience with our counseling services.
  • How do I know if counseling is working?
    There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the effectiveness of counseling can vary depending on the individual's specific needs and goals. However, it can be helpful to discuss your progress with your therapist and to take note of any changes you may be experiencing in your thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. If you feel like counseling is not helpful or is not meeting your needs, it's important to speak up and discuss your concerns with your therapist.
  • Can I switch therapists if I'm not happy with the one I have?
    Yes, if you're not happy with your current therapist or if you feel like the therapy is not helpful, it's important to speak up and discuss your concerns with your therapist. If necessary, you can also consider switching to a different therapist who may be a better fit for your needs.
  • What if I need to reschedule?
    To reschedule a therapy session it can only be done by contacting your therapist directly by email or phone. At Neighbors Counseling, practitioners make their own schedules so not contacting the therapist directly can result in a late cancellation or no show fee. Initial consultations can be rescheduled online in the link provided via email.
  • What insurance plans do you accept for therapy services at neighborscounseling?
    At neighborscounseling, fully licensed therapists can provide therapy services through being in network with most major insurances such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, United Healthcare, and Ambetter gold, silver, or bronze (not the value plan). All associate therapists under supervision provide therapy at a self-pay rate and incident to bill for Cigna and Aetna under our directors license.
  • How much does therapy at neighborscounseling cost
    The cost of therapy at neighborscounseling varies depending on several factors. These include the type of therapy you require, such as individual, couples, child/play, family, or group therapy. Additionally, the qualifications, experience, and specialties of our therapists can also impact the cost. Finally, whether you have insurance coverage for therapy will also influence the price. While the average range for therapy is typically between $40 to $200 per session, we encourage you to contact us directly to discuss your specific needs and to get an accurate cost estimate tailored to your circumstances. At neighborscounseling, we are committed to providing quality mental health services that are accessible and transparent for our clients, and we can work with you to find a payment option that meets your needs.
  • What insurance providers do you accept at neighborscounseling?
    At Neighbors Counseling, we accept Ambetter, Aetna, Anthem, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Oscar, and United Health Care. Additionally, we partner with Headway, which provides a free portal to see a clear and transparent price for your co-payment or deductible during your initial consultation. We believe in making mental health services accessible and transparent for our clients, and we strive to work with a range of insurance providers to ensure that as many people as possible can access the care they need.
  • How can I update the card on file for my counseling sessions at Neighbors Counseling
    To update the card on file for your counseling sessions at Neighbors Counseling, please log in to your Therapy Appointment or Headway profiles. At Neighbors Counseling, we prioritize your control over your finances and only use secure encrypted methods to charge for sessions. We do not use in person handling of card processing and are not able to see your full financial information, ensuring your privacy and security. Our goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for your counseling experience.
  • How does insurance for counseling work?
    A law passed in 2009, the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act requires coverage of services for mental health, behavioral health and substance-use disorders to be comparable to physical health coverage. Most insurance plans either have a co-pay or deductible. A co-pay means you pay a set amount for each appointment, and your insurance covers the rest. A deductible plan means that you pay all your medical expenses up to a certain amount, at which time insurance starts covering a specific percent of your costs. If your plan has a deductible, you will inform you of how much each session will cost you before your insurance coverage starts. Insurance companies vary on what plans they offer and what services they cover. Since many people are insured through their employer, you might not get to choose which insurance company covers you and your family. At Neighbors Counseling Services we offer a 15 minute consultation and can check the insurance plan you have with a clear and easy to understand of your co-payment or deducible amount.
  • How can I address any billing-related concerns or questions with Neighbors Counseling
    A: At Neighbors Counseling, we understand the importance of clear and transparent billing for our clients. If you have any billing-related concerns or questions, please reach out to us at We also encourage you to log in to your Therapy Appointment or Headway profiles first, as we value you being in control of your account. This allows you to easily access your billing information, review invoices, and manage payment methods. Our team is committed to providing support and guidance to ensure a seamless and stress-free billing experience for all our clients.
  • How is my privacy protected?
    We use a HIPPA compliant software and follow the ethical guidelines established by each therapist licensing board to provide confidentiality.
  • How do you provide informed consent?
    We provide informed consent of the nature and limitations of therapy, cancellation policies, confidentiality rights, and payment agreements to potential clients to be reviewed and signed electronically atleast one day prior to the first session.
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